BundlePro integration helps you create electronic bundles in minutes

Create electronic bundles in minutes

pile of papers on lawyers desk

Electronic trial bundling

BundlePro is a user-friendly web-based solution designed to reduce the labour intensive, time-consuming and resource-heavy task of preparing an efficient and effective trial bundle.

Specifically designed to integrate with LEAP, the solution makes it extremely convenient for you to manage files, access documents and recover costs.

bundlepro software diagram

Customise bundles with ease

Traditional labour-intensive bundling consists of documents being printed in bulk, duplicated, collated and couriered to the parties involved. This incurs significant financial and time spent at every stage. As each case progresses, the entire bundle must be constantly updated for every party, involving additional time and expenditure.

With BundlePro, you can bundle documents together, share and edit with ease.


Easily edit bundles

BundlePro allows you to easily make changes to bundles. With control over individual pages, you can quickly re-order, move, hide and delete pages or sections of a bundle. You can add additional pages or documents at a later date.

All documents included in your bundle become fully text searchable, allowing you to easily locate a particular paragraph, page or section for review or editing.

Benefits of the BundlePro integration

Powerful features

Convert large volumes of documents to a single PDF with auto-generated paginated index, bookmarks, hyperlinks and cover page. All content of the electronic bundles are text searchable.

Time efficient

Simple and easy-to-use, BundlePro saves you time like no other solution, allowing law firms to create professional, presentable, searchable and cost-effective electronic PDF bundles in minutes.

Cost effective

Once a bundle has been created, an automatic disbursement can be generated and saved back to your client’s ledger in LEAP, ensuring you recover any expenses incurred.

Create court bundles in minutes with BundlePro

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LEAP integrations and apps